What are herbal salves and why are these unique?
Salves are natural ointments that moisturize and heal. While most lotions include various non-organic products plus larger amounts of water which dilute healing properties, my salves primarily contain herbal infused oils (organic jojoba, coconut, and olive oils), butters (organic shea and cacao butters), Vitamin E, and locally-sourced beeswax for maximum moisturizing. Salves may feel thicker and oilier than lotions meaning they also adhere and stay on the skin longer. My body butters have the same ingredients, just larger amounts of the butters and 'whipped' for a creamier texture. Most all of the herbs I use are grown on our land, either in our garden or sustainably harvested in our forest. I dry the herbs and infuse their healing properties in the oils. Our neighbor raises bees and provides the beeswax from his small-scale honey farm - and these are some of the very bees that continue to pollinate the herbs - creating such a complete and beautiful cycle! All ingredients are 100%organic! |
Cacao Bliss Body Butter
Not only does this smell and feel heavenly, but it offers holistic healing properties. The Calendula is healing for the skin, providing antiseptic, anti-itching, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The Cleavers help activate the circulatory and lymphatic systems, detoxifying and supporting healing from the inside. Finally the chamomile offers gentle, calming and soothing effects for the skin as well as the nervous system. |
Lavender Skin Care Salve
Packed with herbs providing a diverse array of skin healing properties, this salve is good for itchy, dry, irritated, chapped, sore or chafed skin. The Purple Dead Nettle and Violet soothe and cool insect bites, eczema, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The Spikenard calms conditions from rheumatism to ulcers to swelling, and the Comfrey works beneath the skin to soothe bruises, pulled muscles, sprains and strains. Finally, Thyme's anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties leave your skin feeling cleansed! |
Wound Healing Salve
This salve is a perfect first defense for any cut, bruise, or bite you might experience. The Plantain cools, soothes, and moistens as it is one of the best herbs for calming skin irritations, cuts, bug bites, and scrapes. The Yarrow is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, helpful for minor wounds and slowing bleeding. Violet leaf is anti-inflammatory and also one of the prime vulnerary (wound healing) herbs. Heal All (also called Self Heal) is astringent and demulcent to stabilize tissue while protecting the skin’s moisture at the same time. Primarily used for wounds on the skin, including cuts, scrapes, and burns, it also draws out infections, such as abscesses and boils.Finally, the Comfrey is also known as 'bone-knit' and soothes, pulled muscles, sprains, strains, and even broken bones! |
Burn Soothing Salve
Muscle & Joint Relief Salve
Breathe Easy Salve
Women's Womb Salve
Mama To Be Stretch Mark Body Butter
Baby Bum Body Butter
Bugs Be Gone Salve
What is each herb good for?
Calendula Flower - antiseptic, anti-itching, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties Chamomile Flower - gentle, calming and soothing effects on the skin and nervous system Chickweed Leaf and Flower - soothes inflammation that must be cooled—abrasions, non-serious burns, even acne and psoriasis. It’s mild astringent properties are even considered useful for drawing out splinters Citronella - Cleavers Leaf and Flower: Burns, including sunburns, can be relieved with the topical application, Cleavers’ cooling and moving properties make it a good match for moist skin conditions that weep Comfrey Leaf - for bruising, pulled muscles, sprains and strains Dandelion Flower - sore and tired muscles and joints, also soothing and moisturizing for dry, cracked, and itchy skin. Heal All / Self Heal - astringent and demulcent, this herb is used for wounds to stabilize tissue while protecting the skin’s moisture at the same time. Primarily used for wounds on the skin, including cuts, scrapes, and burns, it also draws out infections, such as abscesses and boils. Mugwort - improves circulation, relaxes the uterus and promotes vivid dreams Mullein Leaf - for wounds, burns, hemorrhoids, bruises, frostbite, and skin infections Plantain Leaf: It cools, soothes, and moistens and is one of the best herbs for skin irritations, cuts, bug bites, and scrapes. Purple Dead Nettle Leaf & Flower - itchy, dry, irritated, chapped, or sore skin Red Clover Flower - a women's tonic for calming hot flashes and cramps, topically the flower also treats skin inflammations like psoriasis, eczema, and other rashes Rosemary: arthritis-related joint pain and inflammation, increases circulation Spikenard Root - rheumatism and skin problems such as eczema, applied to sores, burns, itchy skin, ulcers, swellings etc. Thyme Leaf - antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, relieves eczema Violet Leaf - anti-inflammatory, vulnerary (wound healing), salve for dry or chafed skin, abrasions, insect bites, eczema, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It is cooling, soothing, and anti-inflammatory. Yarrow Flower and Leaf: is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and is helpful for minor wounds and cracked damaged skin. |